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How to Do Research for Content
The use of any information on Sailormoon should be handled carefully.
Any details about the show must be correct and should be presented as originally
as possible. After all, what is the point of anyone going to your page for
information if you have very little, incorrect information that you can
find anywhere else?
Here are some tips if you are just starting out creating an information section
for your webpage:
- Research as much as you can by watching the show and reading the manga.
Not everyone can get their hands on every episode and every book, but try to see and
read as much as you can yourself. Also use official printed sources like media books,
art books and even the back of those doll boxes.
If you are unsure if you are right about something you saw or read, try to verify it
with another source, don't assume you must be right.
- If you are going to use webpages for research, try to look at several
different pages. Don't depend on just one page for info, chances are the more
pages that have the same info, the more likely it will be correct.
- Look for known reliable sources, like our
"Recommended Pages"
- Another excellent source of info is the Sailormoon FAQ by Ken Arromdee.
You can find the SM FAQ through Companion Webpage.
Another very dependable source is
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon by Hitoshi Doi.
- Remember, even the most reliable pages can sometimes be wrong, so make sure you
still look around a bit first.
- Once you have all your info gethered, try to present any info you find an original way.
Just don't ramble off the Character Stats from the 'dollbox' that you can find anywhere!
Try to make it interesting, try to make it stand out from other sites. Bring some of your
own insight into the info, but without making things up.